Concentration in Applied Mathematics


Associate Professor Philips


About the Concentration in Applied Mathematics 

Much of the history and philosophy of Applied Mathematics can be summarized by a quote from the preface to The Functions of Mathematical Physics by Harry Hochstadt, "The topics covered... were first studied by the outstanding mathematicians of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Among the many who devoted themselves to these studies are Gauss, Euler, Fourier, Legendre and Bessel. These men did not recognize the modern and somewhat artificial distinction between pure and applied mathematics. Much of their work was stimulated by physical problems that led to the studies of differential equations. Frequently they developed generalizations to obtain results having no immediate or obvious applications. As a consequence mathematics was often ahead of its time having tools ready before physicists and engineers felt the need for them." The concentration reflects this historic interplay by presenting topics of obvious interest to applied scientists as well as being of purely mathematical interest.

The concept of transformations plays a central role in Applied Mathematics. Partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations. Ordinary differential equations are transformed into algebraic equations. And algebraic systems are transformed into simple algebraic systems. Thus, one can understand why Linear Algebra plays a fundamental role in the concentration.


The concentration consists of five courses. The core of the Applied Mathematics Concentration is made up of the three courses: Calculus III (MAT 2412), Linear Algebra (MAT 3310) and Applied Mathematics (MAT 4315). Fundamental to modern applied mathematics is the study of structures known as vector spaces and the linear operators on those spaces. Students are introduced to these concepts in Linear Algebra. These ideas are expanded in Calculus III where the linearity and multidimensionality introduced in Linear Algebra are combined with the infinite processes of calculus. These concepts continue to be drawn together in Applied Mathematics, where the analogy is completed between discrete problems, continuous one-dimensional problems and continuous multidimensional problems.

The fourth course is an applied mathematics elective such as Differential Equations (MAT 3324), Complex Analysis (MAT 3325), Probability (MAT 3326), Statistics (MAT 3327), Numerical Analysis (MAT 3338), Analysis of Algorithms(MCS 3312),  Advanced Discrete Structures(MCS 3316 ) or a Computer Science coursed approved by the Director of the Applied Math Concentration.

The fifth course is an elective from a field other than Mathematics. This allows the student to tailor the concentration to his or her own interests and reinforces the concentration’s interdisciplinary nature.

Applied Math Core

Required Math Core Classes.
MAT 2412Calculus III


MAT 3310Linear Algebra


MAT 4315Applied Mathematics


Applied Math Elective

Choose one from the list below.
MAT 3324Differential Equations


MAT 3325Complex Analysis


MAT 3326Probability


MAT 3327Statistics


MAT 3338Numerical Analysis


MCS 3312Analysis Of Algorithms


MCS 3316Advanced Discrete Structures


Computer Science


Possible courses include:

Choose one additional elective from the list below.  Cannot be another Math course.
ECO 3327Statistical Theory and Methods


ECO 3328Econometrics


PHI 4333Philosophy of Science


PHY 3341Optics


PHY 3363Computational Physics


PHY 4327Electromagnetic Theory


PHY 4423Theoretical Mechanics


PHY 4424Quantum Mechanics


PSY 3326Statistics for the Social Sciences


Other electives as approved by the department.