PHL 1302 Catholicism II — Life in Christ and Christian Prayer
In this course, seminarians in the propaedeutic stage of formation undertake a deep reading, study, and discussion of the second half of the Catechism of the Catholic Church along with documents of the Second Vatican Council that contextualize and illuminate the teachings of the Catechism. In the first half of the course, seminarians will study life in Christ, which involves a thoroughgoing consideration of the human person, the moral life, and the Decalogue. In the second half of the course, seminarians will study Christian prayer, thereby becoming familiar with the most fundamental contours of Catholic spirituality. In addition, the course concludes with a brief overview of the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the priesthood and the Church’s approach to priestly formation. Documents of the Second Vatican council to be considered in this course include: Gravissimum educationis, Dignitatis humanae, Unitatis redintegratio, Ad gentes, Perfectae caritatis, Sacrosanctum concilium, and Optatam totius. Seminarians will also become familiar with Pastores dabo vobis, John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation concerning priestly formation.