Grades and Quality Points

Constantin College of Liberal Arts and Braniff Graduate School


Grade Quality Points
A Superior 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B Good 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C Adequate 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D Passing* 1.0
D- 0.7
F Failure 0.0

*Undergraduates only; failing for graduate students

W Withdrawal from course with permission of the instructor in Constantin College, as well as the permission of the Dean in the Braniff Graduate School, by the Withdrawal Deadline, which is in Week 12 in the fall and the spring semesters. No withdrawals are allowed after this date except for medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances judged appropriate by the instructor and the Dean.

Because of the distinct calendar and nature of the Rome Program, different course withdrawal regulations apply. See Rome section in this bulletin.

WA Withdrawal from an audit. Students who register to audit a course are expected to be present at least fifty percent of the time. The professor may request that the student be withdrawn if this is not the case.

FA Failure due to absences. This grade is assigned by the instructor after the 10th week of classes because of the student’s failure to comply with absence regulations. It is a failing grade and is included in the grade averages.

MW Indicates withdrawal for medical reasons as certified by a personal physician or the university Health Service.

I Incomplete. The letter "I" denotes an Incomplete and is given only when a valid emergency prevented the student from completing course work. For an Incomplete grade to be considered, the student must have completed a substantial part of the course requirement with a grade for that work. If the student receives an "I" he/she must perform whatever academic tasks the granting faculty member deems necessary before the Incomplete will be changed to a letter grade. An Incomplete Grade Contract must be completed by the student and the professor specifying the work required and a date for completion. The Incomplete Grade Contract must be submitted to the appropriate Dean, for final approval and a copy will remain on file in the Office of the Registrar. Upon submission of the required work, the professor assigns a grade and submits a grade change form to the Office of the Registrar. If an Incomplete is not changed by the deadline specified within the contract, the grade indicated in the contract will be assigned. "I" grades in undergraduate courses are calculated as F grades in the student’s GPA. If they are not removed within the first four weeks of the following semester, the final grade will be changed to the grade indicated on the contract, with an "I/" in front of the grade. If required work is submitted by the due date the final grade is placed after a slash next to the "I", which is not removed.

UW Unofficial withdrawal. Assigned by the Office of the Registrar when there is no record of withdrawal from a course or courses or evidence of presence in or completion of the course or courses. The "UW" grade may be considered as an "F" grade upon review of the application for readmission.

AD Audit. Non-credit participation in a regularly scheduled course. No final grade assigned or credit awarded, but the student is expected to attend at least fifty percent of the classes. The decision to audit a course must be made by the fifth week of the particular semester or its equivalent in shorter terms.

T A temporary grade assigned if an extended time period for completion of the course is a planned part of the course. If work is submitted by the due date established, the "T" grade is completely removed from the student’s record. The "T" grade may also be assigned by the Dean when an extraordinary situation prohibits the professor from providing a final grade in a timely manner.  If a T grade is not changed one year after being issued in Constantin College, or five years after being issued in the Braniff School of Liberal Arts, the final grade will be changed to "F".

P Pass in a P/NP course.

NP Non-passing grade in a P/NP course. It is not included in the grade average.

S Midterm grades include an "S" grade, which signifies that a student's standing at the midpoint of the semester is a C- or higher.


Gupta College of Business

Grade Quality Points
A Thorough master of course material 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B Generally good understanding of course material 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C Partial understanding; barely adequate 2.0
All grades below “C” are considered failing
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D Inadequate understanding 1.0
D- 0.7
F Failed to demonstrate understanding 0.0
FA Failed because of excessive absences or did not withdraw from a course 0.0

The following grades are not calculated as part of the GPA

I Incomplete 0.0
W Withdrawal 0.0