International Certificate Programs
The university awards credit for the following international certificate programs:
- The General Certificate of Education A-Level (United Kingdom):
6-8 credits are awarded for grades of "A" and "B" on A-Level exams in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits. Credits are not awarded for a score of "C," or for O-Level exams.
- The Baccalaureat (France):
6-8 credits are awarded for passing scores in BAC programs A, B, C and D, (not D’), with a maximum award of 32 credits.
- The Abitur (Germany):
Students who have passed the Abitur (examination) and have received the Reifezeugnis or Zeugnis der Reife or the Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife may be considered for university admission with up to one year of advanced standing credit. Between 6-8 credits are awarded for passing scores on each of the written exams in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits. Credits are not awarded for oral exams.
- The International Baccalaureate:
Between 6-8 credits will be awarded for scores of 6 or 7 on Higher-Level exams in transferable subjects, with a maximum award of 32 credits. A score of 5 may secure placement and/or retroactive credit toward the degree upon completion of another course in that area of study with a grade of "B" or better. Specific courses and requirements may apply; contact the Associate Dean of Constantin College for more detailed information. Credits are not awarded for Subsidiary-Level exams.