PSY 7366 Rorschach Adminstrn & Interp

This course centers on the Rorschach, but also familiarizes the student with Murray’s Thematic Apperception Test as well as with techniques of historical interest, such as the Szondi Test. Exner’s “comprehensive system” provides the backbone for clinical training with the Rorschach. Students are required to read original texts from Hermann Rorschach as well as from the later developers of the Rorschach, including Klopfer, Piotrowski, Beck, Hertz, Schafer, Rappaport, Weiner and Exner. Schafer’s psychoanalytic application is contrasted with Exner’s more recent adaptation of the Rorschach to the interests of cognitive-behavioral assessment. Questions of reliability and validity of projective techniques are considered throughout the course.




PSY 6321 and PSY 6355, or instructor's permission.