Administration and Staff

Jonathan J. Sanford President
Matthias Vorwerk Provost
Clare Venegas Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Ashton Ellis Vice President for Development and University Relations
Andrew Ellison Vice President for Enrollment
Robert Watling Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Patricia Glick Assistant Vice President of Budgeting
Debbie Zimmerman   Assistant Vice President for Finance & Controller
Mary E. Fleck Chief Human Resources Officer
Ryan D. Reedy Chief of Staff
Julie A. Abell Executive Director of Engagement, VP-Development & University Relations
Karla Bellinger Executive Director, Institute for Homiletics
John M. Norris Associate Provost
Cherie Hohertz Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives
Philip Harold Dean, Constantin College of Liberal Arts
Richard Dougherty Dean, Braniff Graduate School
J. Lee Whittington Dean, Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business
Greg Roper Dean of Students
Ronald Scrogham Dean and Director of University Libraries and Research
Ron Rombs Dean and Director (Rome Campus)
David Andrews Associate Dean, Constantin College
R. Greg Bell Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, Gupta College of Business
Julia Fulmore Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Curriculum Development, Gupta College of Business
Sheila Howard Assistant Dean, Constantin College
Jarred Samples Athletics Director
Paula Brown Registrar 
Kathleen Bentler Senior Director, Development
Matthew Spring Director, Academic Success and First Generation Initiatives
Sarah Sokora Director, Advancement Services
Michael Pitstick Director, Alumni Relations & Annual Giving
Johnathan Sumpter Director, Counseling Center
John Magee Director, Development 
James Hubener Director, Financial Aid
Breonna Collins Director, Graduate Admissions
Lora Rodriguez Director, Health Center
Mary Reid Director, Housing Operations
LaCoya Williams Director, Human Resources
Wendy Clayton Director, Institutional Design
Joshua Brown Director, IT Infrastructure & Security
Aaron Claycomb Director, Marketing Communications
Jodi Hunt Director, Neuhoff Institute 
David Ma Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Vacant Director, Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Vanessa Cox Director, Online Learning
Gabriela O'Neill Director, Personal Career Development (OPCD)
Scott Bates Director, Planning, Design & Construction 
James Hamilton Director, Programs for Principled Entrepreneurship 
Sarah Baker Director, Residence Life 
Jennifer Massicci Director, Rome and Summer Programs
Rachel Blasinsky Director, Special Projects (IT) 
Paul Ulrick Director, Sports Information 
Kevin Grillot Director, Stewardship 
Ronald Carvalho Director, Student Accounting and Bursar
Marissa Brown Director, Student Activities
Carey Christenberry Director, Undergraduate Admission
Russell Greene Chief, UD Police Department
Fr. Mariano D. Veliz, O.P. University Chaplain and Rector of the Church of the Incarnation