Academic Curriculum and Requirements

The classes on the Rome campus are designed both to fit smoothly into the program required of all students and to take full advantage of the unique setting in which they are taught. Taught primarily by University of Dallas professors, the courses are selected from those core curriculum requirements which are closely concerned with the philosophical, theological, political, literary and artistic development of Western civilization.

All Rome students are required to register for the five three-credit core courses listed below for a total of 15 credits. Students with advanced placement for ENG 2311 register for ENG 3355 ST/Tragedy & Comedy. Students in Rome may also register for an additional one or two one-credit pass fail options for a total of 16 or 17 credits.

Since course offerings on the Rome Campus are limited, freshman and sophomore year programs must be arranged carefully, saving the Rome core courses for Rome. Please be advised that taking one of the Rome courses prior to Rome may result in a student’s being disqualified to attend Rome.

Students requesting a waiver of these academic requirements for any reason, must obtain prior approval of the Dean of Constantin College.

ROME CORE COURSES—Save these courses for Rome

ENG 2311. The Literary Tradition III.* Can be taken as ENG 3355 ST/Tragedy & Comedy.

HIS 2301. Western Civilization I.

PHI 2323. The Human Person.*

THE 2311. Western Theological Tradition.*

ART 2311. Art & Architecture of Rome.

*See above course prerequisites.

Additional Course Offerings (May vary)

MIT 1101. Italian Culture & Conversation or Survival Italian.**

MIT 1302. First Year Italian II. Spring.

MIT 2311. Second Year Italian I. Fall.

MIT 2312. Second Year Italian II. Spring.

**1 credit Pass/Fail

Course Order Note

Western Civilization II may be taken on the Irving campus before Western Civilization I and Literary Tradition IV may be taken before Literary Tradition III. Intermediate Greek is offered occasionally, but only in the spring semester.