Rome Semester Charges

The most up-to-date list of charges can be found at This listing does not include every expense that could occur. Unlisted charges could include airfare, optional rail pass and spending money. For a complete listing, please contact the Rome Office.

Fall and Spring Semesters

Rome Undergraduate Tuition $22,315
Comprehensive Fee $1,685
Rome Fee Fall: $550
Spring: $550
Health Insurance (Deadline to waive) Annual: $1,905
Spring only: $1,106
Rome Room Fall: $3750
Spring: $3750
Rome Board Fall: $3,150
Spring: $3,150
Group Trips $2,750


Summer Semester

Rome Undergraduate Tuition

Summer I:  $4,050
Summer II:  $4,050
Full Summer:  $10,125

Rome Fee

Summer I:  $360
Summer II:  $360
Full Summer:  $445

Rome Room

Summer I:  $2,000
Summer II:  $2,000
Full Summer:  $3,250

Rome Board

Summer I:  $1,680
Summer II:  $1,680
Full Summer:  $3,250

Group Trips

Summer I:  $1,210
Summer II:  $1,210
Full Summer:  $1,832