Undergraduate Summer in Rome
Since the 2012 inception of the Undergraduate Summer Rome Program, UD students have had the opportunity to progress in the Core curriculum in Rome in a program modeled on the fall/spring semester experience. This term has proved ideal for student athletes, transfer students and others for whom it is difficult to arrange a full semester abroad. For students from other universities, the Summer Rome Program provides the extraordinary opportunity to study in Rome as part of an intellectually rigorous and passionately Catholic university.
Students enroll for two three-credit courses for six credits total, either in the Liberal Arts or in Italian. In 2020 the Liberal Arts courses offered were English 2311, The Literary Tradition III; History 2301, Western Civilization I, Theology 2311, Western Theological Tradition, and Philosophy 2323, The Human Person. The Italian program offers MIT 2311 and MIT 2312 Second Year Italian I and II in an intensive six-week program. For more information email udrome@udallas.edu or visit udallas.edu/romesummer.