Art Concentrations

All students concentrating in art history/studio art must participate in a Senior Concentration capstone project during the final semester of their senior year. This capstone project may consist of a presentation in a concentration symposium (art history), or participation in the senior concentration exhibit (studio art). Declaring the concentration and consultation with the art history/art professor and the Concentration Director is required to determine the capstone project and Concentration coursework.


Art History Concentration

The Art History Concentration provides a coherent set of experiences for students interested in pursuing this area short of a major. It requires 18/19 credits, including five art history courses, at least four advanced courses (including one course reflecting on theories of expression or methodology) one advanced studio course and one credit of Art Gallery Practicum.

Students concentrating in art history may also elect to submit an article-length senior art history thesis and public presentation (and thus enroll in Senior Research and Senior Thesis courses).

Studio Art Concentration

The Studio Art Concentration requires 18/20 credits including at least three advanced studio courses at the 3000 level and one advanced art history course. Two studio areas must be represented.

In addition to regular course requirements, the art concentration program culminates with participation in the group concentration exhibition or by mounting a one-person show. The exhibition displays the students’ progress and achievements in an area within the program such as ceramics, painting, printmaking, or sculpture. The exhibition is selected, developed, designed and constructed by the student through an intermediate level course with the guidance of that area’s professor. All of the requirements must be satisfactorily completed before students will be certified for graduation with a concentration in studio art.